I've always loved makeup. I remember watching my mom put on her foundation and lipstick...Fashion Fair rum raisin to be specific. During her life, she was very brand loyal. She found a product and stuck with it. Every single morning she had a routine of waking up early to get ready, pray, turn on the news while ironing our clothes and proceeded to cook breakfast before she woke me up for school. Then the final touches was her combing her hair, putting on perfume and then her makeup. I would just watch in awe while hoping I too would be able to do that. Makeup. Many girls who had a mother that wore some makeup wanted to play in their mother's makeup bag and I definitely did. It got to the point that she got me my own caboodle of kiddie makeup with glitter and stickers. But that wasn't good enough for me. One day she saw me take her makeup sponge and put her shade of foundation all over may face. The problem is my mom was a f...