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Showing posts from June, 2021

Surviving My Mother's Death. Weekly Post Part 16.

      Yesterday was hard and if you recently had a close death in your family, those days will come without warning.  So what do you do when there is a triggered moment or day?   These are a few tips that work well for me: Step 1:  BREATHE.  Step 2.  Use a stress relief item that works for YOU (positive and legal).  Step 3. Then stay calm for a little bit longer using whatever needed to do so (positive and legal).  Step 4. Identify what triggered the sadness or episode and figure out how to remove or deal with it to work best for you and NOT against you.  Step 5. Realize that you are not superwoman or superman.  Continue to BREATHE. -Sherri M Littleton For previous posts: Note: (This blog is to help ME deal with the aftermath of my Mother's Death.) 

Surviving My Mother's Death. Part 15.

     " It is not about just being pretty outside, its about being pretty inside."  That is what my mother would tell me anytime I needed a reality check on my behavior. Of course, even as a teenager I knew she was right but what teen would admit that?  Now as an adult and looking back on things, I appreciate being blessed with a mother who constantly build up my confidence but also made sure I was appreciative of things as well.      What are some of the things that you remember hearing from your parents growing up that now as an adult, you see their point of view, ESPECIALLY after they received their wings?  I am just grateful I was able to tell my mother how much I appreciated her while she was still here. Thank you God.  Thank you Mom! Sherri M. Littleton For last week's posts:

Surviving My Mother's Death. Part 12-14

      Recognizing what my Mother wanted for me is essential for my continued  growth.  As a kid, I remember going to work with my mom on "bring your daughter to work" days. It was such a wonderful experience to be allowed at least a once a year as my Mother's assistant for the day. The program was a great idea and hopefully, it still continues in some form in most corporations and small businesses. It taught me the value of having a career, focus and stability and it made me respect the hard work my mother put in for over 30 plus years.      However, the creative side of my brain always wanted more than a corporate position. I fought it it for many years. Now, I desire to be in both the professional and the entrepreneurial world. When I learned that in order to satisfy what I believe my mother wanted for me, I no longer felt the pressure to choose. She just wanted me to be happy.  Sherri M. Littleton For last blog: https:/...

Surviving My Mother's Death. Part 11

       Another Holiday went by BUT for the first time I was OK. I decided earlier on that because of my schedule, I was going to be too tired to hang out or go anywhere and therefore was grateful that my friends dropped off some BBQ.   I kept thinking of what sides would be simple and quick enough to make. Then it hit me and I decided to make my mother's spaghetti.      In our culture, spaghetti can be a main mean or a side meal, especially during BBQ's and family gatherings.Cooking my mother's favorite things brings a sense of closeness to her that I desire so much and it is very therapeutic.  I definitely suggest if you are feeling the need to do something that reminds you of you loved one, try cooking their favorite foods. It makes a difference. Sherri M. Littleton For last week's blog: